The first secret object was sold during the Riga Art Fair. The buyer did not know what was inside until opened it. Secret object nr.1 is called "Vagina Breath" and was created by the curator of the gallery, Ksenia Afanasyeva. This contemporary art object is a reflection of two completely polar trends, which were recently popular on the Internet: selling air from concerts and uterus breathing at special yoga classes for women. As the curator finds both of these phenomena absolute obscurantism, she created this object as a response to what is happening with modern society.
Pirmais slepenais objekts tika pārdots Riga Art Fair mākslas gadatirgū. Pircējs līdz atvēršanai nezināja, kas atrodas iekšā. Slepenais objekts nr.1 saucas "Vaginas elpa", un to radījusi galerijas kuratore Ksenija Afanasjeva. Šis laikmetīgās mākslas objekts atspoguļo divas pilnīgi polāras tendences, kas nesen bija populāras internetā: gaisa pārdošana no koncertiem un elpošana ar dzemdi īpašās yoga nodarbībās sievietēm. Tā kā kuratore abas šīs parādības uzskata par absolūtu tumsonību, viņa radīja šo objektu kā reakciju uz mūsdienu sabiedrības stāvokli.
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