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Southern Cross


According to one legend, the constellation Southern Cross appeared in the sky at the moment when death descended to earth. Each of us, at certain periods in our lives, faces situations where calmness is not about peace or tranquility, but about the smell of death and the associated primal fear that penetrates to the bones on a physical level, but is not always understood on a mental level. When it seems that life has stopped, nothing is happening, and there is no external reference point indicating the way. As if you are in the middle of the open ocean in a boat with torn sails, and not the slightest breeze or seagull’s cry gives hope for escape. Meanwhile, the whole world is rushing somewhere, and you are alone with your loneliness and calm that smells of hopelessness.


Tired of internal torment, self-flagellation, and endless doubts, you stop resisting and delve deep into yourself. In this depth, accepting the death of your past beliefs, you discover the Southern Cross - an internal compass based on your true values and desires. It never errs because it is true and genuine; it shows the way according to the desires of your soul.


The Southern Cross ring symbolizes that very inner compass, remembering which fills a person's heart with calm and their mind with crystal-clear clarity, and there is no reason to fear even in the face of death.

Evrofaber "Southern Cross"

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  • Sergejs Studzinskis & Maija Antipova

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