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Body spirits

May 2 - June 16, 2024

Nosaints bar


The new exhibition "Body Spirits" provides an in-depth look into the artist Svetlana Chertkova's exploration of themes surrounding the body and sexuality, which have influenced her artistic practice for many years. While she previously pursued photography, over the past two years, she has shifted her focus to painting. The exhibition showcases some of the artist's most personal and heartfelt works.

The exhibition showcases two series of paintings:
- Body prints: These works are an attempt to preserve the direct tactile experience. The texture of human skin cannot be reproduced with a brush or other medias, hence there is so much openness and sensitivity in this abstract art form.
- Watercolour paintings: These works are based on the artist's early photographs, some of which are self-portraits. Svetlana has also been influenced by the sculptures of Rodin and the ancient masters.

The artist describes her style as "spiritual abstract paintings". The paintings are created using abstract techniques, where textures are formed with the forces of nature, such as gravity and chemical processes, using watercolour, ink, acrylic, collages, and gilding. Svetlana values the "controlled unpredictability" of her process, never knowing what result she will achieve in the artistic process.

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