Ilze Pavare’s un Anastasia Antonova’s artworks exhibition
8 March 2023 - 16 April 2023
In the Nosaints hidden bar, Rīga
From March 8, 2023 to April 16, 2023, we invite you to visit the exhibition, where artworks of Ilze Pavare and Anastasia Antonova’s create an unstable connection between the spiritual and material world of the person. The event will take place in Nosaints hidden bar, advance booking is mandatory.
In Ilze Pavare’s last artworks collection she has depicted the dual nature of the world – sky versus earth; vastness versus depth; the robust versus the ornate; material versus spiritual. Human life is characterized by two lines - horizontal and vertical. The horizontal line represents the progression through time, which is centred around the material world, while the vertical line represents the inner development of the human identity. Looking at a person as a cross of these lines, its centre is found in the heart, where contrasts disappear - the spiritual and the material become one and the beauty of the world's diversity reveals. Perhaps at this intersection the impulse that enables a person to grow in all four directions develops. The author has depicted these contrasts in an installation and four paintings: "Sky", "Depth", "Earth", and "Vastness", each of which symbolizes one ray of the cross.
Anastasija Antonova tries to preserve mystery, mysticism, create a calm, even melancholic mood in her artworks. The artist is able to achieve an accurate depiction of objects or the environment with minimal means, successfully revealing their essence. She participates in the exhibition with two paintings: "Beware of humans" and "Danaё". In the first, Anastasia leads to reflections on humanity's path to destruction; how quickly the planet could recover from human damage, and also invites us to reflect on our role in the world. The second piece of art is a reference to the Greek mythological character Danaё, a princess who was imprisoned by her father in a bronze room to remain alone for the rest of her life. Each event transforms from the point of view of the observer - as the death of humanity can bring salvation to the world, the fate of a princess can be tragic for a person, but cats are independent and free in their loneliness.